Simply put, Movember is an annual charity event to raise funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate and testicular cancers. But instead of wearing ribbons or wristbands, participants wear “hairy ribbons,” AKA, mustaches. Since its inception six years ago in Australia, Movember has grown (zzzing!) worldwide and raised more than $47 million in donations.
The Agency of Innovation is doing it’s part with our team, Mustache Douglas. With Raff Viton leading the charge, 15 employees (click here to see the roster) have joined the cause and our offices are full of mustaches, almostaches and good intentions.
As the month draws to a close and the giving spirit of the holidays is in full swing, we’re looking to make a final push for some “stache cash.” If you’d like to donate to our team, visit our donation page on the Movember website. All donations go to the Prostate Cancer Foundation and Lance Armstrong Foundation (LiveSTRONG).
Thanks to all those who have supported this warm-hearted and warm-lipped cause. And stay tuned for Decembeard – just kidding.
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